Readings "Passive" learning opportunities

This page collects together all of the “readings” associated with individual modules.

In this site, readings represent “passive” learning opportunities, as opposed to experiences, which represent “active” learning opportunities. In many courses, readings and experiences together constitute the “assignments”.

Module: Introduction to EE 643

EE 643 Syllabus

Basic information about the class

Module: Overview - Wireless vs Wired Communications

Building Blocks of Communication Systems

Building blocks of communication systems

Fading and Interference in Wireless Communications

Key challenges: fading and interference

Module: Physical Models of Wireless Channels

Roadmap of this module


Case 1: Fixed antennas in the free space

Two antennas in the space of nothingness

Case 2: Antennas start moving...

Moving antennas create Doppler shift

Case 3: A wall enters the space

Reflection creates delay spread

Case 4: Reflecting wall and moving antennas

Doppler spread and coherence time

Practical propagation environments

Complicating factors in practice

Module: Input/Output Models of Wireless Channels

Roadmap of this module


Wireless channels as linear time-varying systems

Channel is a FIR filter

The baseband equivalent model

Most processing is done in the baseband

The discrete-time baseband model

Processing is also done in discrete time

Module: Detection in a Fading Channel

Roadmap of this module


Complex Gaussian random variables

Everything you need to know about Gaussian

AWGN vs fading channels

A failed attempt in the fading channel

Noncoherent detection in Rayleigh fading channels

Performance degrades in fading channels

Coherent detection in Rayleigh fading channels

Knowing the channel does not help much

Module: Time Diversity

Roadmap of this module


Performance gain from time diversity

Diversity in time improves the performance

Beyond repetition coding

Achieving the diversity gain without sacrificing the data rate

Module: Antenna Diversity

Roadmap of this module


Receive diversity

Receive diversity is similar to time diversity

Transmit Diversity

Need to be clever to achieve transmit diversity

Space-time codes

Utilize spatial and temporal dimensions

Module: Frequency Diversity

Roadmap of this module


Module: Course Project


Project Description