Case 2: Moving antennas in the free space

Analytical expression

Consider the same two antennas in a free space. But now the receiver is moving away at the speed \(v\) in the direct opposite direction.

Moving antennas in the free space

In this case, the location of the receiver antenna is time-varying, namely \[ \mathbf{u}(t) = \left( r(t), \theta, \psi \right), ~\text{with}~ r(t) = r_0 + vt, \] where \(r_0\) is the initial distance at time \(t=0\).

Compared to the case of fixed antennas, the only change is the distance \(r(t)\). Therefore, the received signal is \[ E_r(f,t,(r(t), \theta, \psi)) = \frac{\alpha(\theta,\psi,f) \cos 2 \pi f \left[t - (r_0 + vt)/c\right]}{r_0 + vt} = \frac{\alpha(\theta,\psi,f) \cos 2 \pi f \left[(1-v/c)t - r_0/c\right]}{r_0 + vt}. \]

Doppler shift

The key observation is that the frequency of the received signal changes! In particular, the frequency changes by \(- (v/c) \cdot f\), which is proportional to the moving speed \(v\).

  • We may have experienced this in daily life. A siren has a higher frequency (i.e., a higher pitch) when the ambulance is moving towards us, and a lower frequency (i.e., a lower pitch) when the ambulance is moving away.

This phenomenon, where the signal frequency changes when the transmitter and/or the receiver is moving, is called Doppler shift.

In wireless communication systems, we need to take into account the Doppler shift when the moving speed is high. For example, in a high-speed train, it is more challenging to maintain a high-speed wireless connection, partly due to the Doppler shift.