Leadership Team
Principal Investigators

Narayana Prasad Santhanam (Principal Investigator), Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa
Research Topics: Statistical Learning
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa
Research Topics: Statistical Learning

June Zhang (Co-Principal Investigator), Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa
Research Topics: Knowledge Graphs
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa
Research Topics: Knowledge Graphs

Nori Tarui (Co-Principal Investigator), Professor
Department of Economics, College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa
Department of Economics, College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa

Dan Port (Co-Principal Investigator), Associate Professor
Department of Information Technology Management, Shidler College of Business, UH Mānoa
Department of Information Technology Management, Shidler College of Business, UH Mānoa

Philip Johnson (Co-Principal Investigator), Professor
Department of Information and Computer Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa
Research Topics: Climate Change, Food Resiliency, Software Engineering, Educational Technology
Department of Information and Computer Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, UH Mānoa
Research Topics: Climate Change, Food Resiliency, Software Engineering, Educational Technology
Program Coordinator

London Thompson, Ed.D
DESCARTES, NSF AI Research and Traineeship, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa
Research Topics: Equity and Access in STEM Education , Curriculum Development, Teacher Education, and Educational Technology
DESCARTES, NSF AI Research and Traineeship, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa
Research Topics: Equity and Access in STEM Education , Curriculum Development, Teacher Education, and Educational Technology
External Evaluator

Mary Lee, Executive Director
Pacific Policy Research Center, UH Mānoa
Pacific Policy Research Center, UH Mānoa
Cooperating Faculty

Gurdal Arslan, Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa

Andras Bratincsak, Associate Professor
Department of Pediatric Cardiology / Cardiology, John A. Burns School of Medicine, UH Mānoa
Department of Pediatric Cardiology / Cardiology, John A. Burns School of Medicine, UH Mānoa

Shirley Daniel, Professor Emerita
Department of Accounting, Shidler College of Business, UH Mānoa
Research Topics: Comparison of Manufacturing Practices Auditing in the United States and Japan
Department of Accounting, Shidler College of Business, UH Mānoa
Research Topics: Comparison of Manufacturing Practices Auditing in the United States and Japan

Yuanzhang Xiao, Associate Professor
Hawaii Advanced Wireless Technologies Institute, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa
Research Topics: Reinforcement learning, Large Language Models (LLMs), Wireless Communications, Smart Grids
Hawaii Advanced Wireless Technologies Institute, College of Engineering, UH Mānoa
Research Topics: Reinforcement learning, Large Language Models (LLMs), Wireless Communications, Smart Grids

Yao Zheng, Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UH Mānoa
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UH Mānoa