\( \newcommand{\cD}{\mathcal{D}} \) \( \newcommand{\q}{\mathbf{q}} \) \( \newcommand{\w}{\mathbf{w}} \) \( \newcommand{\x}{\mathbf{x}} \) \( \newcommand{\y}{\mathbf{y}} \) \( \newcommand{\z}{\mathbf{z}} \) \( \newcommand{\k}{\mathbf{k}} \) \( \newcommand{\reals}{\mathbb{R}} \) \( \newcommand{\half}{\frac12} \) \( \newcommand{\upto}{, \ldots, } \) \( \newcommand{\cL}{\mathcal{L}} \) \( \newcommand{\ed}{\stackrel{\mathrm{def}}{=}} \)

Support Vector Machines

Consider classification of linearly separable examples. We studied Fisher discriminants in linear classification, but there are other kinds of linear classifiers as well (logistic regression, and support vector machines that we will see here). Not all classification is equivalent, even if they all classify the examples properly.

Support vector machines capture the idea that the larger the distance between the examples and the separating hyperplane, the more desirable it is.

We will formulate an optimization problem for training that not only tries to get a separating hyperplane, but also one that will ensure that the examples are as far away from it as possible.

Training for maximum margin

Suppose \( \z_1\upto \z_n \) are \(n\) training examples in (\reals^p\) given to us with labels \(y_1\upto y_n\) respectively (each label is either \(+1\) or \(-1\)). Let \(\w\in\reals^p\) and \(b\) be a number, and define

\[\gamma_i(\w,b) = \w^T\z_i - b.\]

Therefore, the distances of the \(n\) points to the plane \(\w^T\x-b=0\) are respectively \(\gamma_1/||\w|| \upto \gamma_n/||\w||\). In addition, let

\[\gamma(\w,b) = \min_{1\le i\le n} \gamma_i(\w,b) = \min_{1\le i\le n}\w^T\z_i - b\tag*{(1)}\]

so that the smallest distance between the examples and the hyperplane is \(\gamma(\w,b)/||\w||\). This is called the margin of the classifier \(\w^T\x-b=0\).

From our training data, we want to obtain that plane \(\w^T\x-b=0\) which classifies all examples correctly, but in addition has the largest margin. This plane is what we will learn from the training examples, and what we will use to predict on the test examples.

So for training, we first set up an optimization. Note that \(\gamma\) is some complicated function of \(\w\) and \(b\). Different values of \(\w\) and \(b\) yield potentially different orientations and intercepts of the separating hyperplane, and their margin is determined by different examples (\ie the minimizer in (1) is different). Even though we may not have \(\gamma(\w,b)\) in a simple form, we can still ask for

\(\w^*,b^* = \arg\max{\w,b} \frac{\gamma(\w,b)}{||\w||}\) subject to \( y_i(\w^T \z_i -b) \ge 0 \text{ for all } 1\le i\le n.\)

In the optimization above, the first line asks to maximize the margin, while the constraints (there are \(n\) of them) ensure that each example is classified properly.

So far so good, but we don’t really want to compute \(\gamma(\w,b)\) or try expressing it in any closed/numerical form. But there is a simple conceptual way around it. Suppose \(\w\) and \(b\) classified all examples such that every example, \(\z_1\upto \z_n\) satisfied

\begin{equation} y_i(\w^T \z_i -b) \ge \nu, \qquad 1\le i\le n.\tag*{(2)} \end{equation}

For a given \(\w\) and \(b\), since \(\gamma(\w,b)/||\w||\) happens to be the distance of the closest point to the plane \(\w^T \x -b =0\), we could satisfy all \(n\) constraints of (2) above for every value of \(\nu\) in the range \(0 \le\nu \le \gamma(\w,b)\) and for no other.

Therefore, we ask to find the maximum number \(\nu\) such that all the constraints in (2) are satisfied. Note the shift now—we treat \(\nu\) as just a number (not a function of \(\w\) and \(b\)) and see which is the largest combination of the number \(\nu\), the vector \(\w\) and \(b\) that satisfies

\(\w^*,b^*,\nu^* = \arg\max_{\nu,\w,b} \frac{\nu}{||\w||}\) subject to \(y_i(\w^T \z_i -b) \ge \nu \text{ for all } 1\le i\le n.\)

We can make one more simplification. There is no distinction between the plane \(\w^T\x-b=0\) and the plane \(k(\w^T\x-b) =0\) for any real number \(k\ne 0\) (because if \(\x\) satisfies the equation \({\w}^T\x-{b}=0\), it automatically satifies the other and vice versa). So all the candidates (\(k{\w}, k{b}\)), \(k\ne 0\), yield exactly the same plane (and hence same margin). We may choose just one candidate among these while searching for the optimum. To make our life simpler, we can choose \(k\) such that

\[\min_{1\le i\le n} k({\w}^T\z_i - {b}) = 1\]

or equivalently, given any \({\w}\) and \({b}\), we scale it by \(k=\frac1\gamma\), where \(\gamma\) is as defined as in (1), to get \(\tilde{\w}\) and \(\tilde{b}\), and optimize over only the \(\tilde{\w}\) and \(\tilde{b}\).

Then, we will have

\[\min_{1\le i\le n} (\tilde{\w}^T\z_i -\tilde{b}) = 1\]

and the margin of the hyperplane \(\tilde{\w}^T \x-\tilde{b}=0\) is \(1/||\tilde{\w}||\). So we can rewrite our training goal to be the optimization

\(\w^*,b^*,\nu^* = \arg\max_{\nu,\tilde{\w},b} \frac{1}{||\tilde{\w}||}\) subject to \(y_i(\tilde{\w}^T \z_i -\tilde{b}) \ge 1\) for all \(1\le i\le n.\)

Clearly, the \(\nu\) ‘s are now superflous—they don’t exist in either the objective or the constraints—we can discard them. In the above, the \(\tilde\w\) and \(\tilde b\) are just dummy variables, we can call them by any other name and nothing will really change. Furthermore, maximizing \(1/||\w||\) is the same as minimizing \(||\w||\), which is in turn the same as minimizing \(\half ||\w||^2\). We can therefore write our training objective as obtaining the hyperplane \( (\w^)^T \x-b^=0 \), where

\(\w^*,b^* = \arg\min_{\w,b} \half{||\w||^2} \tag*{(3)}\) subject to \(y_i(\w^T \z_i -{b}) \ge 1 \) for all \(1\le i\le n.\)

Lagrangian for the SVM problem

To write the Lagrangian for this problem, we rewrite each inequality constraint above so that it looks like \(f_i(\w,b) \le 0\), namely

\[1-y_i(\w^T \z_i -{b}) \le 0.\]

Each inequality gets its own Lagrange multiplier \(\lambda_i\), so our Lagrangian is (letting \(\Lambda = (\lambda_1\upto \lambda_n)\))

\[\cL(\w,b, \Lambda) = \half{||\w||^2} + \sum_{i=1}^n \lambda_i (1-y_i(\w^T \z_i -{b})).\]

Now consider the following problem for a specific choice of \(\w\) and \(b\),

\[\max_{\Lambda \ge 0}\cL(\w,b, \Lambda) ,\]

where \(\Lambda\ge 0\) is shorthand for \(\lambda_1\ge 0, \lambda_2\ge 0,\cdots,\lambda_n\ge 0\). Now if \(\w\) and \(b\) satisfy all constraints, we will have for all \(1\le i\le n\) that

\[1-y_i(\w^T \z_i -{b}) \le 0,\]


\[\cL(\w,b, \Lambda) = \half{||\w||^2} + \sum_{i=1}^n \lambda_i (1-y_i(\w^T \z_i -{b})) \le \half{||\w||^2},\]

with equality in the second equation iff we choose \(\lambda_i=0\) for all \(i\). Therefore, for any \(\w\) and \(b\) satisfying all constraints,

\[\max_{\Lambda \ge 0}\cL(\w,b, \Lambda) = \half ||\w||^2.\]

On the other hand if \(\w\) and \(b\) are such that there is even a single constraint violated, that is for some \(j\),

\[1-y_j(\w^T \z_j -{b}) \ge 0.\]

Then to maximize \(\cL(\w,b, \Lambda)\), we can choose \(\lambda_j\to \infty\), therefore

\[\lambda_j(1-y_j(\w^T \z_j -{b})) \to +\infty,\]


\[\max_{\Lambda \ge 0}\cL(\w,b, \Lambda) = \infty.\]

Putting it together

\[\max_{\Lambda \ge 0}\cL(\w,b, \Lambda) = \begin{cases} \half ||\w||^2 & \w, b \text{ satisfy all $n$ constraints}\\ \infty & \text{else.} \end{cases}\]

Let us call

\[g(\w,b) \ed \max_{\Lambda \ge 0}\cL(\w,b, \Lambda)\]

for convenience. Now there is definitely at least one \(\w\), \(b\) that satisfies all constraints (since the points are linearly separable). Therefore, the smallest value \(g(\w,b)\) can take is definitely not infinity (so any \(\w,b\) that violates any constraint will never minimize \(g(\w,b)\)). That means that if we look for

\[\arg \min_{\w,b} g(\w,b),\]

the solution must be \(\w^,b^\) from\textasciitilde{}\eqref{eq:svmls}, since we are minimizing \(\half ||\w||^2\) but only among such \(\w,b\) that satisfy every constraint given.

Therefore, we can pose\textasciitilde{}\eqref{eq:svmls} as follows: \begin{equation} \w^,b^ = \arg\min_{\w,b} \max_{\Lambda \ge 0} \cL(\w,b, \Lambda).\tag*{(4)} \end{equation}

We will call the above the \emph{primal} formulation of the constrained optimization problem (3)—where we write the Lagrangian, and observe that the solution of (3) is obtained by the minmax formulation (4).

As the name ``primal’’ suggests, we will also have a \emph{dual} formulation of the optimization problem in (3). But before we get into the dual formulation, we have a little segue into elementary game theory.