Experiential Learning "Active" learning opportunities

This page collects together all of the “experiences” associated with individual modules.

In this site, experiences represent “active” learning opportunities, as opposed to readings, which represent “passive” learning opportunities. In many courses, readings and experiences together constitute the “assignments”.

Module: Introduction to EE 643

E01: Introduce yourself

Get started with the EE 643 Discord server

Module: Physical Models of Wireless Channels

Coherence distance and coherence bandwidth

Simulation for fixed antennas with a reflecting wall

Doppler spread and coherence time

Simulation for moving antennas with a reflecting wall

Module: Input/Output Models of Wireless Channels

Baseband and passband conversion

Baseband and passband conversion

The sampling theorem

Simulation on sampling theorem

Module: Detection in a Fading Channel

BER vs SNR curves

BER versus SNR curves

Module: Time Diversity

BER under time diversity

BER vs SNR curves under time diversity